Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We're Married!

We're Married!
We're ONE

Here we are, the beginning of the rest of our lives.
2012 was amazing.
I got married to my best friend, our daughter turned one, and we have turned our lives around to be financially sound for the upcoming years.
We started and completed a 9 week course called Financial Peace University offered by Dave Ramsey that literally changed out lives in the matter of an hour.
I highly recommend it to my friends.
Money is never fun to talk about, and this has eased the pain.
Being married is NOT easy. I never understood what people meant when they said it was work.
I have had a hard time letting go of my last name, my identity as a 'single' woman, and my freedom (although that left when Bellin was born).
I am so lucky to have the partner I have. He allows me to be myself, to be free, to go and do as I please, because I know he trusts me.
I am one of the most loyal people you will ever meet.
and so is he.

Life is not perfect over here in married town. We have our differences all the time, but we are still learning about one another. 

Our families have been so helpful this first year of Bellins life. Watching her so Abe and I can work, and breathe. Breathe mostly.
We have added another dog (that makes 2) and another cat (also making 2 there) to our family.
This year we plan on buying a house. Both of us are kicking butt in our careers, and are putting our money where our mouth is!

Here are some interesting facts about the wedding:
I did not have a traditional invitation
My dress was a gift from a friend who wore it 18 years ago
We made the draping we were married under (with the help of friends of course)
I did my own hair
I think I saw Bellin twice during the whole evening
There were 110 people invited, 106 came.
The wedding was at my parents house ( lucky me)
It started at 4, and was over by 8:30
Total cost, including dress alterations to food(& alch.) was $7,000.
I walked down the isle to acoustic guitar: Harvest Moon by Neil Young
Our wedding song: Someone like you - Van Morrison
We had a live Jazz band 

Some Interesting Facts about myself:
I designed my own wedding ring
I did not go on a diet for my wedding (clearly ;) )
I picked all of our music
Im a control freak
I was so frantic and freaked before I walked down the isle
(much more calm when I gave birth)
I cry, like all the time. Probably at least once a day
I love to write, but can't read in front of people ( I get nervous)
Im obsessed with Instagram ( who isn't?) and have met one friend off of it whom I didn't know before, but would love to meet more.

Some Interesting Facts about Abe:
He grew up in fillmore
(much different from where we live now)
He loves animals, and I think would own a farm if I allowed
He is Straight Edge, never had an addiction, he is just straight.
He is one of the kindest people I have ever met
His voice is low, not deep, not soft, just low
He is really smart
He loves to read
He works for Harley Davisdon, but does not own a bike right now
He is loyal
He loves MMA
He loves red meat, would eat it every day I think.
He is not materialistic at all.
He used to be a sponsored skateboarder
(although I have never seen him skate)
He is the best dad in the whole wide world
He loves me, for me.

This post was not all gushy, like my past posts,
but I hope you've enjoyed it, and continue to follow me and my family.
Instagram: @barenakedbaby

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

{Fall}ing into place...

My Dearest Abe,
You can not begin to imagine what you have done to me. 
You have provided every dream come true I have ever had.
You have my heart & soul to keep.
You provide for Bellin & I.
You are one of the most special people I have ever met in my entire life, and I hope you know how LUCKY I feel to call you mine.
You believe in me, even when there is a little doubt.
You stand behind me.
You listen to me.
You are my rock.
I know everyone who has the pleasure to meet you, knows how kind your soul is.
I have never met someone who means so well, with every bone in their body.
You support my crazy habit to paint every.single. piece of furniture we have in our house.
You let me be my crazy self.
I will try to never disappoint you.
I believe in our love.
I believe that we have something special.
You tell me my cooking is amazing, even when the potatoes are undercooked, and the pasta is too salty.
You are so kind.
You listen to me, even when you're walking away.
You trust me.
That is one thing when you proposed to me, that stood out so loud to me. 
You said, "I trust you, you are my family"
I was so touched.
Beyond anything, trust is number one.
I will always be loyal and faithful. 
Thank you for making my dreams come true. 
My Dearest Bellin,
Your dad and I decided to get married a few days after you turned ONE!
It was always in my plan to get married as soon as possible after you arrived. I want you to know that you were built & raised on a STRONG foundation.
We will continue daily to provide love, support, and acceptance, for whatever you may throw our way. 
You are brilliant, beautiful & kind.
Your soul shines through your smile.
Everyday you change more.
Everyday is something new.
You EXHAUST me, in all the right ways.
You TEACH me everyday, how to be a better mother, & more importantly, how to be a better person.
I think about you every second, of every day.
You have become me.
I will never let you down.
 I will forever live for you.

The real day Abe and I committed ourselves to each other was the day Bellin was born.
We were in it for the long haul that day.
We wanted to share with a select few of friends and family our commitment to each other for this life.
I hope everyone knows that was able to attend our wedding, that they all meant something to us. 
They are all someone who we hold high.
They are people who believe in our love.
They are people who support us, & us them.

We Love You.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Eight...a little late!

Eight months...
3 weeks late
Actually, I think it is quite fitting that I am sitting down about 2 weeks shy of your NINE month letter to write your EIGHT MONTH!!!
You are one busy bee.
You are sleeping right now. Currently 8:45 in the morning. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are so much fun, you want to be by my side all the time, at my feet, in my arms, you are all about me, 
and I LOVE IT.
You put everything in your mouth; dog hair, electronics, rocks, strings, cat hair, leaves, basically anything you are not suposed it, but you are so close to the ground, & I can only vaccuum so many times a day!
You are healthy and strong.
You are talking more, it sounds like cat and dog you are trying to squeeze out of those rosie little lips.
You are bright eyed. So curious. 
You smile when I come home, & it melts my heart.
You reach for me, then back to grandma ( this was something she was really looking forward to) then back to me, and it appears we have a little game going here!
I try not to get to involved in conversation with people about my true feelings about you, which are you seem to know far to much for only being here 8 months.
Truth is, you run the show.
You tell us when you're tired, hungry, dirty, happy, sad, need to cuddle and so on.
On a rare occasion your dad and I don't really know what is wrong. 
You teach us and amaze us every day.
You make the silliest faces, and squirm every now and then like you got the chills, it's the best thing I've ever seen.
I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my whole life.
You dont like to let me have a break during the day when you and i are together. Grandma says you feed off of my energy. I am non stop.
You will know this someday.
When you are with your father, you nap. ALL DAY.
Seems fitting. He is MELLOW.
I am glad you have both sides in you.
You hair is getting longer, and i put it in a {PONE} which you will look back and giggle at all the pictures, but really, the alternative is grass like strands of hair on your forehead. :)
You crawl, so fast. You stand, and fall, but the falls are becoming less and less. You slowly let yourself down from the heights you have reached, and you are off! to your next destination.
You are minuets away from walking. I just know it.
You love food. Man N Cheese is your number one right now
{I don't blame you, it is the BOMB}
Today's Agenda;
Take you to Sharon's
Play with your friends
Be loved
Get picked up by mom
Be Loved some more
Night Night

What a LIFE!

You dad and I strive everyday to make a wonderful, peaceful life for you. We are working really hard to create goals for ourselves, and as a family.
We have everything we need, and more.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rookie Recipes

Here are some recipes and Picture tutorials from me, the rookie!
(More to come tomorrow night)
I am learning to cook, more than just an OK meal in the kitchen, and I'm starting with the simple, yet powerful recipes!
Here to share!
 My new favorite way to cook chicken is in the crock pot.
(partly because we don't have a BBQ ;) )
 In the Crock pot:
 frozen @(6 Hours on Med), or fresh chicken breasts @(4 Hours on Low)
 Add some of your favorite BBQ sauce!
In our case, Rudys, from Texas.

After the chicken is done, shred & serve over white rice. 
ITS AMAZING & Easy as pie!(Which is not easy!) lol


Mothers Day Wrap Up

Well, My first Mothers Day!
Not gonna sugar coat it, or make it sound all twinkly, like I thought it would go, but my man never disappoints and it ended up being wonderful because of what truly matters. 
MY Family.
It started Saturday when I walked into the salon only to be greeted by a HUGE bouquet of incredible flowers sent to me on behalf of my daughter.( from Abe), and of course only from the best!, David & Jeff Flowers.

(whom just did a lovely write up of my spectacular baby shower, check it out: 

I read the card and burst into tears. It read: " I like the sound of your heartbeat from the outside too."
In reference to a sign I had made her that hangs proudly in her room that reads:
"No one will ever understand the love I have for you, after all you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside."
And I mean every word of that.
Sunday morning I woke up to a big wet kiss from Abe, excitingly expressing the happiness of my first mothers day!
He went into the nursery and got Bellin, we relaxed in bed, getting prepared to go out to breakfast with Abe's mom and my mom.
None of which happened
I like to go to breakfast. This is my FIRST Mothers Day. I WANT TO GO TO BREAKFAST. I had visions of us sitting around the table and chatting about motherly things, (memories, silly stories, just chatter), but instead everyone else seemed to have their own agenda.
I felt a little let down.
So we walked down to my parents house, my dad cooked us breakfast, we hung for a while, 
and I came home to pout.
OK OK I know! What do I have to POUT ABOUT. Well, seriously, I thought, CRAZY ME, that this day was going to be filled with twinkles and fairy dust around me for my FIRST mothers day.
So after I relaxed, Abe and I did what really needed to be done. We put Bel down for a nap and we CLEANED OUR HOUSE!
Which I do get a sick pleasure out of.
After that, surprisingly Abe was up to go shopping!
So we hopped in the car and hit the outlets. 
It was fun, and he was a trooper. He didn't complain once, and he really let me do and go everywhere I wanted & we both got a few goodies.
We really enjoyed ourselves and came home to have dinner and lay down!
We have a Happy, healthy, baby that we just DOTE over, so what MORE could you really want/need?
He and Bellin are really my whole world. I love my family, but its different. I know they will always be there. I know Bellin will always be here. But I know most of all, that Abe wants to be here with me. He loves me. And I him. And that feeling, really is priceless.
I need to learn how to not expect much from anyone. But myself.
I set standards for other people too high.
I think they'll do what I WANT them to do.
But everyone only really cares about themselves.
Its partially a shame.
I used to go out of my way for presents, birthdays, special occasions, "just becauses", and much more. I used to make hand made cards, with special little notes inside, get a creative gift, send flowers, and definitely go above and BEYOND a text message. But the lack of FUCKS that are given by other people have really turned me off to doing all that i did for others.
My mom always tells me not to give to receive. Just give to give.
Maybe ill get better at this, but for now, you get what you give with me.
On a lighter note, this weekend I got a tattoo for Bel, Something I have wanted since she was born.
Simply because I love her.
Bellin Monet Carreno
Her monogram!

That's what this blogging world is all about right? An online VENT pool. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Bellin Boutique!

Hi friends!
Please take a moment and check out some Handmade Necklaces I've made to generate some $$$ for our DISNEYLAND FUND!!

Here is the shop! I hope you all enjoy
Mothers Day is right around the corner. Initial necklaces are an awesome way to display the ones you love around your neck all the time!

Here are some goodies!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Good Morning!

Reading: This is new for me, but I am reading a "The art of racing in the rain", its a tail (no pun intended) through the eyes and narration of a dog. It's really neat for far and easy reading. As much as i have been writing lately, I am not the biggest fan of reading. I originally went to buy 50 Shades of Grey (sold out), but i finally got to purchase it yesterday so maybe this will start a new trend of reading. The act of reading is hard. It means to sit and relax and zone into your story. I have so many things to do, but I have enjoyed sitting down and getting lost for 30 minuets at a time!

Watching: We are watching Disney Junior. Mickey Mouse Club House (Bellin's favorite, next to YO GABA GABA).

Thinking about: The rain. Thinking about how I need to go to costco and get some things and how hard it is to do things in the rain. But the upside of this is I love the fresh smell of rain. I think it does the body good. I'm thinking that Bellin feels everything that I do, and I am sure she loves the smell too. Its fresh and its good for you. Thinking, I am really liking this new blogging journey I am on. Thinking about that I am going to make for dinner because I will be home late tonight. Thinking about the dogs, how I have to be on PEE PEE alert all day in the rain. Thinking all these present things. I try to not think too much!
Loving: My Job. I love putting together a cute new outfit the days that I work, and I love the positive attention I receive from the WOMEN I work with. They are so supportive of me and my career and love me for me.I work in a wonderful LARGE salon in Thousand Oaks. I love being able to do what I love for a living, and most certainly love being a BOSS LADY, to myself of course!

Anticipating: Bellins first Birthday. Seems like I am crazy for planning it already, even though its mostly already planned. Invites. CHECK Band.CHECK Food.WORKING ON IT Family and friends. CHECK Desert. CHECK 

Listening to: Pandora every morning while I am getting ready. Current Station: Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong.

This is my favorite type of music. Easy, Romantic, Silly, and Wonderful. Next on the list is Sade, Adele, Billie Holiday, Bon Iver, & Dinah Washington.
Eating: Salad with every meal. I am loving lettuce right now. I slice a head of lettuce in to a few wedges, Sprinkle a little dressing on it, some cracked pepper, and a little parmesan cheese and its  a perfect wedge salad for a snack or to pair with dinner.

Feeling thankful for: Bellin. A healthy, beautiful, soulful 7 month old. She smiles when you make funny faces, she cries when she bumps her head, and sneezes when something tickles her nose, she adores our fur family, and she lights up when her dad walks into the room. I am thankful for all of these things, because she is healthy and smart and most certainly beautiful! 

Thanks for reading, would love to hear some feedback and would love to read your "Currently" post!