Sunday, April 29, 2012

Seven Months

It felt like yesterday that I sat down and wrote your 6 month letter. 
So much has changed since then. Right now you are sleeping on the sofa, as i rocked you to sleep on my chest, and laid you there so i can get some things done around the house. 
Today we have our first invitational party to attend together.
We are going to a FIRST birthday party. 
We are going to both get dressed up all cute like, and have some fun in the sun!!!
 I remember the other day I was holding you in the kitchen, thinking....
"I will try so hard to never forget the smell of your hair, the softness of your skin, and the sweet sound of your voice at this age."
You dad and I lowered your  crib last night, because as we were trying to enjoy our favorite (take out chinese) you decided to pull yourself up on the ottoman to a full stance!
We couldn't believe it. 
I am so thankful we got to enjoy that as a couple. A FIRST of yours together.
Earlier this month you started zipping around the house on your knees. First scooting everywhere (mostly to expensive electronics) now to a full blown crawl and standing! 
Every night I am in the kitchen making dinner and here you come! Around the corner! Right to my feet.
I love it so much.
Every morning we wake up and walk around the house, we say hello to all the animals, and we let our eyes adjust to the sun coming into the house. We turn on our toons. Mostly YO GABA GABA is on. You just LOVE YO GABA GABA.
I have also seen a HUGE interest in Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Good thing because your mom and dad LOVE DISNEYLAND!
You are drooling like you wouldn't believe. 
We visited the doctor the other day in fear you had an ear infection, but he advised me you have a slight cold and you have TWO teeth coming in! (Hence the drool)
While lowering your crib, you sat in my lap and your dad looked at you and said "Bel, can you say PAPA?".
You repeated "PAPA" right back.
We looked at each other with big wide eyes. 
We know it was an accident, or you were mimicking, but we think you are BRILLIANT!
It seems with the seventh month that the high of having a baby is over, and you resume to real life. Working, coming home to clean and make dinner, do bedtime, and up back to work the next day.
I am the only one in my immediate friends to have a baby first. While my friends are going to concerts, and out to grab a casual cocktail on a wednesday night, or just to catch up on the phone seems impossible.
Seems as though I can just leave you with your dad for a few hours, but its not that easy. One day they will too understand that it's not that I can't leave you with your dad, but more that I don't want to.
I get enough time to myself working everyday to make a good life for you..
Earlier this month your dad and I both celebrated our birthdays, which don't seem so important anymore now that you are here. 
I am already planning your first birthday. I can't believe it. Its going to be so spectacular. Just like you.
We also celebrated Easter. First down the street with a beautiful brunch made by my mom, your beautiful grandma. Then we headed out to LA with your dad to see his side of the family and celebrate the rest of the afternoon. We sat around and all stared at you and laughed at every move you made. We just think you are the world!
You are eating some meat integrated into your diet. We have giving you chicken and apples, and turkey & sweet potatoes.
You LOVE sweet potatoes.
You are eating more often, and moving all around. You are full of expressions and personality. 
You make everyone smile, and you truly are the center of attention.
I have this feeling you've been here before. Maybe in another form, or spirit, but you definitely touch me in a special way. You seem to know far to much for your first time here.
I feel something special with you, and one day we will be able to talk about this, and you will know exactly what I am talking about.
I love you so much 