Well, My first Mothers Day!
Not gonna sugar coat it, or make it sound all twinkly, like I thought it would go, but my man never disappoints and it ended up being wonderful because of what truly matters.
MY Family.
It started Saturday when I walked into the salon only to be greeted by a HUGE bouquet of incredible flowers sent to me on behalf of my daughter.( from Abe), and of course only from the best!, David & Jeff Flowers.
(whom just did a lovely write up of my spectacular baby shower, check it
I read the card and burst into tears. It read: " I like the sound of your heartbeat from the outside too."
In reference to a sign I had made her that hangs proudly in her room that reads:
"No one will ever understand the love I have for you, after all you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside."
And I mean every word of that.
Sunday morning I woke up to a big wet kiss from Abe, excitingly expressing the happiness of my first mothers day!
He went into the nursery and got Bellin, we relaxed in bed, getting prepared to go out to breakfast with Abe's mom and my mom.
None of which happened.
I like to go to breakfast. This is my FIRST Mothers Day. I WANT TO GO TO BREAKFAST. I had visions of us sitting around the table and chatting about motherly things, (memories, silly stories, just chatter), but instead everyone else seemed to have their own agenda.
I felt a little let down.
So we walked down to my parents house, my dad cooked us breakfast, we hung for a while,
OK OK I know! What do I have to POUT ABOUT. Well, seriously, I thought, CRAZY ME, that this day was going to be filled with twinkles and fairy dust around me for my FIRST mothers day.
So after I relaxed, Abe and I did what really needed to be done. We put Bel down for a nap and we CLEANED OUR HOUSE!
Which I do get a sick pleasure out of.
After that, surprisingly Abe was up to go shopping!
So we hopped in the car and hit the outlets.
It was fun, and he was a trooper. He didn't complain once, and he really let me do and go everywhere I wanted & we both got a few goodies.
We really enjoyed ourselves and came home to have dinner and lay down!
We have a Happy, healthy, baby that we just DOTE over, so what MORE could you really want/need?
He and Bellin are really my whole world. I love my family, but its different. I know they will always be there. I know Bellin will always be here. But I know most of all, that Abe wants to be here with me. He loves me. And I him. And that feeling, really is priceless.
I need to learn how to not expect much from anyone. But myself.
I set standards for other people too high.
I think they'll do what I WANT them to do.
But everyone only really cares about themselves.
Its partially a shame.
I used to go out of my way for presents, birthdays, special occasions, "just becauses", and much more. I used to make hand made cards, with special little notes inside, get a creative gift, send flowers, and definitely go above and BEYOND a text message. But the lack of FUCKS that are given by other people have really turned me off to doing all that i did for others.
My mom always tells me not to give to receive. Just give to give.
Maybe ill get better at this, but for now, you get what you give with me.
On a lighter note, this weekend I got a tattoo for Bel, Something I have wanted since she was born.
Simply because I love her.
Bellin Monet Carreno
Her monogram!
That's what this blogging world is all about right? An online VENT pool.