Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bellin's Birth

On our way to have our lives changed forever.

9-26-2011:(8:30 pm)
We finally got the phone call we have been waiting for! Los Robles LDR is ready for us to come down and check in for my induction. I felt like the weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was ready to meet our little girl. So we packed our jammies, and misc items that of course we needed NONE of, and off we went. It was 9:30pm, so the hospital was quite and calm. Just what the doctor ordered.
We checked in, went upstairs, and got as cozy as we could in the room that would change our lives forever. I was induced with Cervidal, which softened my cervix and allowed for my contractions to start. They placed it at night time and by the next morning I was contracting and dilated 1cm. My nurse Kim had started her very long shift with me, and that is when our journey began. She monitored me closely all day, tended to my every ache, pain, and question. ( I ask a lot of questions)
She was wonderful. Had a calm disposition and a kind soul. I was sitting tight from 1-3cm. It took all day to get to 3cm. Once I had gotten to 3, an hour and half later I started to feel some pressure, so I let Kim know and turns out I had jumped straight to 9 1/2 cm. (At 10 you are ready to deliver) So Kim thought it was a good idea to do a test push. Abe held one leg back in position, and she held another. She gave me breathing & pushing directions, and so it began, the FIRST PUSH! Little did we know that first series of pushes would be fallowed by a prompt phone call to the doctor because we are GONNA HAVE A BABY!
The Dr.T came down checked me out. Sure enough, Bellin was ready to come. Kim was at the end of her shift, and HAD to clock out. She was finishing up with me and I noticed she had a tear in her eye. After our long journey together she was going to miss the final destination. She had the saddest look on her face. I held her hand & cried. I said "Thank you so much for all you have done for me, you have truly been a wonderful piece of my journey and I will never forget you." A flood of nurses came in the room, Abe stood tall by the side of my bed, and held my hand. We watched as they set up to deliver our little girl. Dr. T got suited up, and the pushing began...One, Two, Three pushes. "Very good." Dr.T says, "If you keep pushing like that, next time were going to have a baby." On his count, we started the next three pushes...One, Two....Here she comes, on the final third push, Bellin Monet Carreno entered the world.
Tuesday 9-27-11 7:21pm 6lbs. 12oz 20 1/2" long. Absolute perfection.
She was whisked away to the table to be check out by the NICU nurses because upon arrival her heart rate had started to drop. But I heard those lungs, and I knew my baby girl was just fine. The doc finished up with me and the placed our little girl upon my chest. Unbelievable. She is FINALLY here. I had been waiting for what felt like an eternity. I knew when her skin touched mine, that this was meant to be. I was meant to be a mommy, and she was made for me. 

I had the most wonderful experience giving birth. The whole journey was peaceful & calm. 
Just pure bliss.
Throughout the rest of my stay at Los Robles getting acclimated to being a new mom, and recovering from delivery, I was treated like gold, and had the best nurses, who have taught me my first lessons of being a mom, and the proper way to care for her.
It is no secret that I did not enjoy being pregnant, but becoming a mom is indescribable. And for those who have asked if I am going to do this again: I understand now, & the answer is YES.

1 comment:

  1. Wow sounds like you had a wonderful birth experience! Did you have an epi? So exciting that you are now a mama. It's pure bliss, isn't it? <3
